Lately I have been partying and today it was a Salad Tasting Party hosted by Nancy Ebersole Good. First of all we had our coffee and then tried out a number of salad dressings Nancy brought down from Lititz PA about six weeks ago. Then after the soup, salad and dessert we settled down for some music coming from deep within the soul of Gayle and Ken.
Gayle Flynn
Ken Sutton sang the songs he composed. I don't ever remember sitting in and listening to someone that sang the songs he composed, music and all. Sure I have listened to a few on tape but never in person. To me there is such a vast difference. I am trying to put it in words but I can't. Being present today made me think of the shepherd boy David, Jesse's son. David was a song writer, coming from the depth of his heart and his visible audience were the flock of sheep.
Wish I had been there.