Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Year 3, Day # 11 - My Diet

It quit raining long enough to make a bike ride to  pick up a few food items at Yoder's Fresh produce. I buy healthy and if I cook, I cook healthy. I splurge on Emma's Pizza and Kiddie Cups of ice cream at Big Olaf. But anyway tonight I bought very healthy food, like garlic, ginger root, lemons and  Scuppernong Grapes, which is a Muscadine white or bronze grape. 
I squeeze the lemons and grind the ginger root after peeling it. I put the two together in a jar and stick it in the fridge. Daily I use a teaspoon in my soup or for breakfast with fresh fruit. The garlic I use in cooking or eat raw if I think I need it to ward off something coming into my system. These grapes... they are the best. I wash and stick them into the freezer because freezing softens the skins. Then I let myself have about 10-12 a day for breakfast along with a banana and a handful of almonds or other nuts. (Other nuts are either pecans or walnuts.)  I do eat other food too but this is sort of where my food focus is.
 I am only writing about this tonight because there is nothing else worth writing about on a rainy day.

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