Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day # 223 - Old Age Rumspringa

I never did any Rumspringa when I was young, but now that I am getting up in age I do want to get a good taste of it. So for the last month or so I have been going out on Saturday nights and do Rumspringa through Pinecraft. The group various in size but tonight there were four loads folks out Rumspringa. These are all blurry, so they can't be identified.


  1. Wi-ild! :) Looks fun. I *SO* wanted to ride in the light-up rolly carriage with giant wheels that Sherry's neighbor built, but never got that chance. Maybe this coming winter. :)

    1. Lynette, He also build a recliner that goes up and down the streets on it's own. A person just sit in it, put their feet up and head back and off the recliner goes all over Pinecraft.

    2. Wow, that is something else...Fun. I'm looking forward to seeing that one. :)

  2. Oh Katie, this is so amazing! I just love your good humor. I hope we can meet sometime...I would so love to see Pinecraft, and watch you at work with your camera!!!

  3. Hi Katie,
    I loved your blog. So simple and heartfelt and true. I'm sure you'll get plenty of kudos after the NY Times article.
    Keep up the good work. I'll come back again and again.

  4. Thank you for sharing. Great pictures!

  5. Do you take your boyfriends along or are you out lookin?

    1. No boy friends went along and I am not out looking either.

  6. Did you have a chance to read the NY Times article written by the young woman whose photo was on your blog, Miki Meek? It led me to your blog which I love. Your pictures are wonderful.

    1. Yes, I am quite pleased. It was also in the local Sarasota news.
